The ASYS 130 class (Sustainable Management of Organic Agricultural Systems), on its maiden offering, and in collaboration with the UPLB Interdisciplinary Studies Center on Organic Agriculture (IdSC-OA) and the ASI Durungawan Webinar Team, conducted a webinar on May 31, 2022 with the theme “Prospects and Challenges in Organic Agriculture”. This webinar highlighted the international and regional programs that influence the demand for organic agriculture products, and the research, development and extension opportunities in organic agriculture.
In his welcome remarks, ASI Director Dr. Virgilio T. Villancio, emphasized that indeed, opportunities abound in the area of organic agriculture. These include, among others, the global and national programs, which recognize the potentials and contributions of organic agriculture in ensuring sustainable development. He also mentioned the scholarships and thesis grants that are available to the undergraduate students whose research topics are in line with organic agriculture.
One of the resource persons, Ms. Joeve S. Calleja, Chief Science Research Specialist of the Organic Agriculture Division of the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS), talked about the international and regional forces that drive demand for organic agriculture produce; and, provided an overview of the ASEAN Standard for Organic Agriculture (ASOA), as well as the initiatives of the Philippine government in aligning the national standards with ASOA. Meanwhile, Dr. Blesilda M. Calub, University Researcher IV and Chair of the Interdisciplinary Studies Center on Organic Agriculture stressed the need to capitalize and take advantage of the research, development and extension opportunities in organic agriculture, among which, include: a) enthusiasm of OA practitioners and advocates in supporting change for a better normal; b) more LGU interest on sustainable development; c) growing awareness and demand for organic products and inputs; d) increasing market demand for food and non-food; and, e) increasing youth sector who are conscious of healthy living and environmental conservation.
In her closing remarks, Dr. Leila D. Landicho, Affiliate Faculty-in-charge of the ASYS 130 class, emphasized that just like other farming systems and technologies, organic agriculture also faces some management and institutional challenges. But there are brighter sides of organic agriculture. There are research, development and extension opportunities that can be tapped to address these challenges. She encouraged all the sectors and stakeholders to collaborate, work together and promote organic agriculture. She thanked all the resource persons, ASYS 130 students, ASI webinar team and all the 190 men and women attendees for the success of the event.